Using The Most Common Life Events To Bring Healthcare Planning Into Financial Plans: A Caribou Case Study

Caribou Team
February 7, 2024

Nearly all healthcare planning revolves around “life events” — scenarios and events in clients’ lives that necessitate a review or change to their healthcare. In this case study, we’re sharing HealthPlanning Analysis data that span the most common life events that apply to clients of financial advisors. We’ll break down what these numbers mean, what leads to these various life events, their associated costs, and how you can identify these planning opportunities in your clients’ lives.

We’ll look at the following four main life events and their respective trends:

- Medicare Enrollment

- Medicare Revisions

- Pre-65 Retirement

- Open Enrollment

Download the free case study below!

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Download "Special Edition | Client Case Studies: Healthcare Planning for Less Stress & Anxiety"

Download "Caribou Case Study: J.L. Bainbridge & Co."

Download "Caribou Customer Success Stories: Sensible Financial Planning"

Download "More Than Medicare: How Healthcare Planning Helps Clients Across All Generations"

Download "Supporting Clients Through Open Enrollment: A Collection of Case Studies"

Download "Caribou Customer Success Stories: Jackson Square Capital"

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Using The Most Common Life Events To Bring Healthcare Planning Into Financial Plans: A Caribou Case Study

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