Bring Healthcare Planning In-House With HealthPlanner

Caribou's software takes the heavy lifting out of planning for healthcare costs.

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Caribou's healthcare planning software mitigates financial risk by identifying planning opportunities and predicting costs as clients go from building a family to getting ready to retire, and beyond. With HealthPlanner, you can:

  • Gather valuable insights into your clients healthcare goals and put a plan in place for the future.
  • Provide clients with a personalized summary of their best-fit plan options to make health insurance enrollments easy.
  • Cater to the needs of your clients at different life stages and with different levels of service.

* Important note: Caribou does not sell health insurance and does not earn any commissions. HealthPlanning Analyses are 100% unbiased and results are based on the information and preferences the user provides.

HealthPlanner Features:

Health plan optimization through the matching of health, budget, and preference needs to plan options for the Marketplace and Medicare due to life events.

  • Tax savings finder that identifies  tax savings opportunities such as premium tax credits, medical tax deductions, and HSA tax savings.
  • Summary charts of current coverage and expenses, as well as snapshots for future events (e.g. “What does Medicare look like for this client in TX on this drug?”) to create more comprehensive financial plans.

Transparent & flexible pricing for firms of all sizes.

HealthPlanning Analysis matched to client's profile with tailored Medicare and Marketplace plans.
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Best for those who are just dipping their toes in healthcare planning.
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Try healthcare planning with a single client.


Best for mid-sized firms who have begun integrating healthcare planning into their practice for some life events.
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Pay upfront for up to 5 households per year.
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Best for firms with a robust healthcare planning strategy or firms with thousands of clients.
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Contact Us
For further discounted pricing options.

*Listed prices do not include any applicable state or local taxes that will be applied at time of purchase.

Have questions or ready to partner with us? Call our team at (877) 836-1766

Interested in offering healthcare planning to many clients?

Discounts scale based on volume and upfront commitment.

See Discounted Prices

Caribou is a NAPFA Partner, meaning NAPFA members have access to a special discount!

It's easy to get started:

Start With One
Test our offering with one client to get valuable feedback.

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Plan Your Launch
Commit to a plan that works best for your firm once you've seen the value.

Want to learn more?

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